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SAC, AAC, and DAC Explained 

Hearing someone say SAC, AAC or DAC would remind some parents of the alphabet soup of acronyms used in education.  This page will explain the three terms and let parents know how they can get involved.

SAC is an acronym for School Advisory Council.  Two big bucket items the SAC is responsible for are (1) helping to develop and evaluate the school improvement plan (SIP) and (2) assisting in the preparation of the annual school budget.  When implemented correctly, the SAC holds the school accountable for what is outlined in the school improvement plan.  It’s an important layer of accountability which provides an assessment perspective from the dinner table to the classroom.   

Sometimes SAC is confused with the role of the Parent Teacher Association (PTA).   The mission of PTA is to be a voice for children; serve as a family and community resource; and to advocate for education.  The targeted focus of SAC is to support SIP implementation by connecting parents and community members.  There are areas of overlap because achieving the mission of the school is a focus for both groups, however the two groups have distinct functions.  Additionally, SAC is required by Florida law.  SAC meetings are open to the public and officers are elected. 

Each school belongs to an Area Advisory Council (AAC).  Representatives on the AAC are the principal and the SAC chair or a designee.  The purpose of AAC is to facilitate communication among schools within their elementary to secondary feeder pattern.   Each AAC meets quarterly.  An example meeting topic could include implementing feeder pattern strategies to support and ensure continuity.  The principal of the high school in the SAC feeder pattern is responsible for assuring that AAC meetings are held. 

The District Advisory Council (DAC) is comprised of the chairperson from each AAC or a designee and the superintendent.  The purpose of DAC is to enhance communication between the superintendent, district staff, community and local schools.  Similar to the SAC and AAC, the DAC has elected officers and public meetings.  Information and critical issues should flow from the SAC to the AAC to the DAC.  Each month, the DAC chair provides a report to the School Board during the School Board meeting. 

So parents – get involved!  Principals and teachers – engage parents more!  Dedicated participation is needed on SAC, AAC and DAC to support the overall process of improvement at the school, area and district level.  

Look forward to upcoming dates!