Parents and Guardians. We welcome you and your children to a new year of successful learning at Timucuan Elementary School.
Please review the information that tells about our operations and policies.
Arriving at School: Students who are not in Extended Day are not allowed on the school grounds until 8:00 a.m.
Car Riders: Students who are car riders should be dropped off in the front of the school (on 110th St.) each morning. A school staff member will be there to greet your child. The driveway on 110th St. is the only permitted parent drop off and pick up area on the campus.
Breakfast: All students receive a free breakfast. Students in will go directly to their assigned areas when they arrive at school in the morning. School staff will supervise students in the cafeteria and in the breakfast classrooms. Parents/visitors are not allowed in the breakfast areas in the morning. Your child’s homeroom teacher will escort the students to the classrooms at 8:20 a.m.
Instruction begins at 8:24 a.m. every day: Students who are late to school must report to the main office for a tardy slip. When students are late or absent they are missing valuable instructional time. Please help your child get to school on time each day.
Lunch: All Timucuan students receive free lunch. Students can also bring their lunch from home.
Dismissal-Car Riders: We start dismissing students at 2:50 p.m. Car riders remain in their classroom until they are called via the PA system. When the names are called students walk to the car loading area in front of the school. Parents are expected to drive safely in the car rider line until told to stop by a staff member. Parents should stay in the car while in the car rider line. Parking of cars along 110th St. is prohibited. Please, during dismissal, turn right exiting the school. This simple act reduces traffic, increases the speed at which we can move cars through the line, and creates a safer environment for our students who walk.
Dismissal-Walkers: Walkers will be dismissed at 3:00 p.m. They will be escorted out of the building and down the sidewalk to the crossing guard. Parents who wish to walk their children home can meet them there. There will be a crossing guard at the corner of Catoma and 110th St. to help students who have to cross the street to walk home.
Volunteers: Parents/family members are encouraged to apply for a Volunteer Pass. State law requires that anyone who is on the school campus in a classroom or even eating lunch with a child in the cafeteria, must be approved as a volunteer.
Uniforms and Code of Appearance: Timucuan Elementary is a uniform school. This policy will be enforced. Duval County Public Schools has a dress code for students. Please review that with your child when you receive a copy of the Code of Conduct. Pants must be worn at the waist with a belt. Flip flops, strapless or spaghetti strap tops are not acceptable for school. We encourage students to wear sneakers. School is a place for learning. We expect all students and adults to use proper language and behave in a professional manner. Please help us set good examples for our children.