What to Expect in Kindergarten? Ask the Experts! January 15 at 6:00 p.m. Facilitated by: Duval Early Learning Coalition & Duval Schools Staff A team of kindergarten teachers and enrollment experts will share valuable information in this Parent Academy webinar about what families can expect during this milestone year. If you have questions, they have answers. Go to duvalschools.org/ParentAcademy to enroll.
9 days ago, Windy Hill Elementary
Kindergarten Parent Academy webinar image
Check out our Events Calendar for the month of January and also Literacy Week activities for January 27-31st.
16 days ago, Windy Hill Elementary
January 2025 events calendars
All 5th grade students and parents and families are invited to attend this informational meeting to learn about options for middle school. Windy Hill students will not be marked absent if they attend the event with their parents and return to school after transition day. You will be able to learn about special programs, electives, clubs & athletics. A drawing will be held for parents in attendance.
about 1 month ago, Windy Hill Elementary
5th Grade transition day for the year
Happy Holidays to our Windy Hill families and community.
about 1 month ago, Lecreshia Harris
Holiday Break eng
Holiday Break Flyer Spanish
We know you may have many questions about your child’s transition to Southside Estates Elementary School next year. That’s why we encourage you to visit Southside Estates Elementary this Saturday, Dec. 7 between 9 a.m. and 2 p.m. during the district’s School Showcase Saturday event. This is a great opportunity to learn more about your child’s new school including transportation, before/after school care, special programs, electives, and more. You will also have the opportunity to meet current school leaders. While administrators may change as part of the consolidation process, the current leadership will work to ensure there is a smooth transition. If you have any questions, please contact us at 904-565-2700 or visit the front office.
about 2 months ago, Duval County Public Schools
Elementary school showcase Saturday! December 7, 2024 School tours begin: 9 a.m. | 10:45 a.m. | 12:30 p.m. | 2:00 p.m.
Check out our student-friendly calendar of events for December to see how we can finish 2024 on a high note and with a little holiday joy!
about 2 months ago, Windy Hill Elementary
December calendar of events
As you may know, the plan to merge with Southside Estates Elementary School into a brand-new building is still on schedule for next school year. While construction has taken longer than expected, the new building will open in August 2025. You are welcome to join us this Saturday, December 7, at the current Southside Estate Elementary school for one of the four times listed to get an overview and information about the new school. As we move forward, we want to assure you of two things: -We will be working with the school district to keep you as informed as possible during this transition period. -Even as we transition, please know that our highest priority remains the academic success of our students, and we are focused on finishing the 2024-25 school year strong!
about 2 months ago, Windy Hill Elementary
school showcase poster
Check out our student-friendly calendar of events for November and see all the ways we can celebrate being thankful, kind and have a little fun!
3 months ago, Windy Hill Elementary
Student calendar of events for November
Click the link to watch a short video from DCPS Superintendent Dr. Bernier about this year's Federal Impact Aid Survey. We are requesting that you log into your parent portal account and complete the survey form(s) by December 13th. Thank you for your support! https://url.usb.m.mimecastprotect.com/s/JZd4CWWELMI0voB8CKi1Fo7xjP?domain=usg01.safelinks.protection.office365.us
3 months ago, Windy Hill Elementary
Federal Impact Aid Survey image
Hello, Parents/Guardians Please join us for our monthly School Advisory Council meeting. Do you want to help make decisions as it relates to our School Improvement Plan? If so, join us for 30-60 minutes once a month. We will discuss strategies and resources to help improve our students academically.
4 months ago, Lecreshia Harris
Join Windy Hill Elementary as we celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month September 15-October 15. We are proud of the diversity at WHE!
4 months ago, Lecreshia Harris
Hispanic Heritage Month
Join us in support of Windy Hill Elementary on Tuesday, September 24, 2024. We will gather at Chick-fil-A (St. John's Town Center) for a family spirit night from 5:00-8:00pm. 10% of the sales will be donated to our school.
4 months ago, Lecreshia Harris
Hello, Parent's/Guardians We will kick off our annual schoolwide fundraiser on September 18, 2024. Students will bring home permission slips to sell chocolates. Students will sell a box of chocolates at $2.00 per bar. Help your child have an opportunity to "Pie Principal Harris." Students will also have an opportunity to earn wonderful prizes.
4 months ago, Lecreshia Harris
World's Finest Chocolate
Hello, Parents/Guardians DCPS schools will be closed on Monday, September 2, 2024, in observance of Labor Day. We will welcome all students back into the building on September 3. See you soon! Principal Harris
5 months ago, Lecreshia Harris
Happy Labor Day
Please join us for our Annual Title I Meeting and Open House on September 5, 2024. We look forward to seeing you there!
5 months ago, Lecreshia Harris
Open House
Hello, Parents and Guardians I hope that you are having an amazing summer! We are reaching out to inform you that teacher assignments are available in FOCUS. Please understand that changes may occur due to class size, we encourage you to check FOCUS periodically. We will be having our annual Back to School Orientation on August 8th, this is an opportunity to meet your new teacher. Meet and Greet times are: Kdg-2nd: 10:00-11:00am 3rd-5th: 1:00-2:00pm Thanks Principal Harris
6 months ago, Windy Hill Elementary