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A Business and Entrepreneurship Magnet
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Now celebrating nearly four decades of providing educational excellence to all students, Crystal Springs Elementary celebrates the diversity of our students through individualized attention in and out of the classroom. Through our Technology magnet, our students start learning Microsoft programs in kindergarten. We don't just focus on our students’ academic growth, but we also work to enhance their social and emotional growth.
The iconic brick structure of Crystal Springs is tucked away in a secure and quiet community on the west side. Parents who bring their children to the doors of Crystal Springs come here because it’s safe and locally recognized, and from the moment they see the front facade, they know it’s the right environment for children to grow.
We pride ourselves in having a safe, warm, structured, and nurturing environment. As a result, students at Crystal Springs are well-behaved and sharp. Every day, they focus on learning while still having fun.
Our students at CSE model inclusivity with each other. Each student is seen and cared for on an individual basis academically, emotionally, and socially. CSE has robust general education and special needs programs. We are an inclusion model school, where our special needs and general education students are included in all classrooms and activities. Research shows that having an inclusive environment benefits each student. Our goal is always to challenge each student while providing support.
On a mission to create and expand resources and tools that make learning more exciting and help all students build the skills they need for success in school and beyond!
Fifth grade is the perfect time to jump in and be a leader working as a School Safety Patrol.
Provides students with time for homework and socializing, helping them build important skills and thrive both academically and personally.