Middle school teacher checks the work of his students

Aug. 7, 2024 – Unless a teacher gives permission, students will need to keep their cell phones off, out-of-sight, and inside their bookbag or purse during class according to the updated 2024-25 Student Code of Conduct.

Approved by the School Board on Tuesday, the updated cell phone policy in the Student Code of Conduct only slightly revises the policy from previous years. For example, last year cell phones still had to be off and out of sight during class. However, they could be in a student’s pocket.

Now, the pocket is not an option. In addition to being off and out of sight, cell phones must not be on a student’s person at all. This applies not just to cell phones, but to all wireless communication auxiliary devices such as watches and ear buds.  The only exception to this is if a teacher provides permission.

Like last year, confiscation of the cell phone is the result for violating the policy. Once confiscated, the cell phone can only be returned to the student’s parent or guardian.    

Both the elementary and secondary Code of Conducts are typically posted at website within two weeks of Board approval.

-Laureen Ricks