Good Evening, Eagle Den Family,This is Principal Glover with weekly updates and announcements. We are counting down the last five days until the holiday break. Each day has a theme. Tomorrow is Wear Red, White, or Green Day. Please view the attached calendar for each day's event. A huge thank you to all the families that supported our students at the talent show. Congratulations to Taylor Murphy and Chloe the winners of the 3rd Annual Talent Show.
18 days ago, Candice Glover
Holiday Calendar
Good Afternoon, Eagle Den Family This is Principal Glover with weekly updates and announcements. Thank you to all the families that joined us for Showcase Saturday. We gave out a Roku TV, grocery cards, Amazon gift cards, Visa Gift cards, gas cards, and two bicycles. Our next event is our 3rd annual talent show on Friday, December 13, at 6:30 pm. Join us in supporting and celebrating our student's talents with this fundraising event. You can attend in person or online. Please invite family and friends and help us raise money for student incentives.
25 days ago, Candice Glover
Roku TV Winner
Mr. McEntire
Showcase Saturday
Showcase Saturday
Showcase Saturday
Showcase Saturday
Showcase Saturday
Showcase Saturday
Showcase Saturday
Good Evening Eagle Den Family, Please join us Saturday to showcase all the wonderful programs and activities we have at Jacksonville Heights. Please bring a friend with school age children to join our village. the school will be open from 9-12. We will have a game portion for families with prizes such as a flat screen tv, grocery cards, gas cards, and two bicycles. we will have games, music and fun. We look forward to seeing you Saturday.
28 days ago, Candice Glover
Good Afternoon, Eagle Den Family, This is Principal Glover with weekly updates and announcements. Welcome Back. I hope you had a phenomenal Thanksgiving holiday. I know I am returning with an attitude of gratitude. I am grateful you chose us as your school. Our enrollment has remained steady over the last two years, but several schools in the area are consolidating. We want to ensure we stay your neighborhood school. Saturday, December 7, is Showcase Saturday. Please join us and see what our school has to offer. The school will be open from 9-12. We will have house day and game day for parents, filled with fun activities and interactive games. After you visit all the rooms, you can join the in-game day. We will have prizes for the winners. Prizes include a 50-inch Roku TV, gas card, grocery cards, two bicycles, and Visa gift cards. We will have representation from all the programs offered at the school. Please bring a friend that has school aged children. We look forward to seeing you. December 13 is our annnual talent show sponsored by Pretty in Pink. Tickets go on sale Monday. We have two options this year. You can watch online or in person. Online tickets are $5. You can pay in advance $7 or at the door $10. All proceeds will go to student and teacher incentives.
about 1 month ago, Candice Glover
Good Afternoon, Eagle Den Family, Please remember that schools and district offices are closed Wednesday through Friday in observance of the Thanksgiving Holiday. There is no Read USA Tuesday. Also, tomorrow is Pajama Day.
about 1 month ago, Candice Glover
Good Afternoon, Eagle Den Family, This is Principal Glover with weekly updates and announcements. This will be a short week. All schools and district offices will be closed Wednesday, November 27 through November 29, in observance of Thanksgiving. We have a hectic month in December. December 7, 2024, is Showcase Saturday. Please join us for a day of fun and excitement as we welcome more students and showcase all the wonderful programs we offer at the school. We will have a live DJ, games, and prizes. We will be raffling off two bicycles, a Roku TV, gas cards, and a Visa gift card. Please come and bring a friend to share in the enjoyment. December 13 is the 3rd annual talent show. The theme this year is Lip Sync Battle. We will have live and lip-sync performances. All proceeds will go to student and teacher incentives. If you cannot come in person, we want to reassure you that we will also stream online, ensuring that everyone can be part of the event. We will also have two winners. A winner from the judges, a winner from the audience's popular vote, and online participants will also be able to vote. Please look at the flyers attached for Showcase Saturday and the Talent Show. We look forward to seeing you.
about 1 month ago, Candice Glover
Showcase Saturday
Takent Show Flyer
The Jaguars will be distributing food to 600 families. Please read the attached flyer for details.
about 1 month ago, Candice Glover
Turkey Time
Hello Eagle Den Family! We will have our monthly SAC meeting this Thursday 11/22/24 at 3:30 in room 14. Please make plans to attend! We look forward to seeing you there!
about 1 month ago, Melody Mcduffie
Good Afternoon, Eagle Den Family This is Principal Glover with weekly updates and announcements. DCPS has given out over 2000 laptops in the last two weeks. They will give out laptops on Tuesdays at Schultz Technology from 8:00 to 4:00. The Flyer is attached to your email and on the school website on the live feed. Early Release Day is Wednesday, November 20, 2024. Thursday is our monthly SAC meeting at 3:45 p.m. We will cover the talent show, Winter Wonderland Store, and Winter Festival. Please join us and give us your input. It is time for our annual Talent Show and Winter Festival. This year, the theme is Lip-Sync Battle. Please join us in celebrating our talented students. This year, the audience will vote on the winner. First place will win $50, second place $25, and third place $10. All funds for both events will go to student incentives and field trips. Also, the homeroom class with the most parents signed up for Rooms (Thrillshare) will win an ice cream social. Please go on and say hello.
about 2 months ago, Candice Glover
ECF Laptop Distribution
Good Afternoon, Eagle Den Family This is Principal Glover with weekly updates and announcements. All schools will be closed on Monday in observance of Veterans Day. My husband is a military veteran, so I sincerely thank all the parents who have served our country. It is time for our annual Talent Show and Winter Festival. This year, the theme is Lip-Sync Battle. Please join us in celebrating our talented students. This year, the audience will vote on the winner. First place will win $50, second place $25, and third place $10. All funds for both events will go to student incentives and field trips. We will also be hosting the Screen in the Green. We will have a movie screen, games for parents, food, and music. The featured movie will be Inside Out 2. We would like you to get to know us. We want to build a true community for our students, so please join us. It takes a village to raise a child, and we are your village. We will send home more information with dates and times. Also, the homeroom class with the most parents signed up for Rooms (Thrillshare) will win an ice cream social. Please go on and say hello. Have a wonderful Eagle Den Week. See you Tuesday!!!!
about 2 months ago, Candice Glover
Character parade 2024
Special Announcement!
2 months ago, Melody Mcduffie
Food Drive
Good Afternoon, Eagle Den Family This is Principal Glover with weekly updates and announcements. First and foremost, I pray this message finds you well and safe from the storm. We rescheduled the SAC (School Advisory Council) meeting to Tuesday at 3:30 PM. We selected this time so that parents could come in while they were picking up their students instead of having to come back. The School Advisory Council helps make vital decisions within the school.  One of the major topics on the agenda will be school uniforms, so please come out and let your voice be heard. Once again, this meeting will be on Tuesday at 3:30 PM in room 14. We will have light refreshments and a raffle. Please join us
3 months ago, Candice Glover
Good afternoon, Eagle Den Family, This is Principal Glover with weekly updates and announcements. This week is our first early release Wednesday. Dismissal will begin at 12:50 pm. Please make sure you are on time to pick up students. Teachers have to attend professional development. Also, Friday was our first house reveal day. New students were inducted into their houses. Wednesday will be their first house day. We will have our first SAC Meeting on Thursday at 3:30 pm. SAC is the School Advisory Council where parents have a voice in the decisions made in the school. This is a great opportunity for you to contribute to the discussion on school uniforms for the next school year. Please join us and let your voices be heard. We will also determine the best time to meet for the remainder of the year. We will have light refreshments and a raffle. We look forward to seeing you. House Reveal Day
3 months ago, Candice Glover
Good Afternoon, Eagle Den Family, This is Principal Glover with weekly updates and announcements. I hope you are enjoying your weekend and catching up on your rest. It is hard to believe that we are completing our first month of school. With that being said, there are several mandatory updates that need to be completed to ensure we have effective communication. Last week, we sent home the state-mandated permission slips for all school activities. Your student can only participate in school activities if the permission slip is returned. We also sent home instructions for downloading the DCPS app and Rooms. Rooms replaced Bloomz, our primary mode of communication other than the phone. Friday progress reports go home. We will print out progress reports for the first nine weeks. After that, based on Duval policy, it will be in the student's focus account unless a hard copy is requested in Focus. Also, we have regulated arrival and dismissal. Please make sure you are on time with arrival and dismissal. Students are considered late at 8:20 am. We stop serving breakfast at 8:30 am. Dismissal begins at 2:55 pm, and parents are considered late at 3:15 pm. Builders of the Faith - is one of our faith-based partners. Our vision for the partnership is to improve the community and develop meaningful relationships with the community, students, parents, and guardians. We participated in their food drive, which is every 2nd Saturday. This drive is a lifeline for some of our families, providing them with much-needed food. Please join us on Sunday, September 15, 2024, to Pack the Pew. They are a massive supporter of the school.
4 months ago, Candice Glover