JRMS Math & Ela Winter Packets are on Exact Path Online. Ensure that you finish each task with a score of 80% or above, as each assignment contributes to your 3rd quarter grade in Math & ELA as a home leaning assignment. ALL ASSIGNMENTS ARE ON EXACT PATH ONLINE UNDER THE ASSIGMENT TAB.
about 1 month ago, Jean Ribault Middle School
JRMS Math/Ela Winter Packet Online
JRMS Picture Day November 21st - November 22nd ORDER NOW! LEONARDS.COM/PHOTOPREPAY Make Sure To Order Before Price Increase. Choose your Package Package 1 - $14.99 (4-3x5, 8 Large Wallets, Standard Background included) Package 2 - $26.99 (3-5x7, 4-3x5, 12 Large Wallets, Standard Background included) Package 3 - $41.99 (1-8x10, 2-5x7, 4-3x5, 8 Large Wallets, Your Choice of any Specialty Background, Digital download, and basic retouching included) Package 4 - $50.99 (2-8x10, 4-5x7, 4-3x5, 8 Large Wallets, Your Choice of any Specialty Background, Digital download, and basic retouching included)
2 months ago, Jean Ribault Middle School
JRMS School Picture Day
JRMS School Picture Day