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School Name: Loretto Elementary #30, District #7

Phone Number: 904-260-5800

Fax Number: 904-260-5835

School Address: 3900 Loretto Road, Jacksonville, FL 32223

School Hours: 8:00 AM-4:00 PM

A. Matt Walker Principal, Email A. Matt Walker

Stacy Bradley, Assistant Principal and Title IX Coordinator, Email Stacy Bradley

Latausa Freeman, Assistant Principal, Email Latausa Freeman

PTA President: Lauren Weigel, Email Lauren Weigel

SAC Chairperson: Andrea Barlak

Region Superintendent: Randall Strickland phone: 904-390-2307

Executive Director: Michele Floyd-Hatcher phone: 904-390-2307

Board Member. District 7, The Honorable Lori Hershey phone: 904-390-2375. Email The Honorable Lori Hershey