Contact Information
School Address: 1201 N. Kernan Blvd.,32225
School Hours: (Open - Close ) 8:00 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. ; School Hours (Bell Schedule) 8:30 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
School Telephone Number: (Main Number) (904) 221 - 7169
School Telephone Number: (Guidance) (904) 221 - 7169 School Fax Number (904) 221 -8811
Principal: Amber Felts, Email Amber Felts
Assistant Principal/Title IX Coordinator: Asia O'Neal, Email Asia O'Neal
PTA President: Jon Tobin, Email Jon Tobin
SAC chairperson: Maryjane Cassette, Email Maryjane Cassette
Webmaster: Michael Maxey, Email Michael Maxey
Regional Supt.: Randall Strickland, Email Randall Strickland (904) 390-2154
Board Member: The Honorable April Carney, Email The Honorable April Carney, (904)390-2386