DCPS Registration Requirements
State law requires all children ages 6-16 to attend school. Registrants should provide all of the following
Birth certificate or valid evidence of date of birth·
Florida certification of immunization or exemption
Physical examination for all students who have never attended a Florida public or private school (physical must be no more than 12 months old at the time of the student’s enrollment)
Most recent report card, if granted from another district
Proof of residence
Information about registering Pre-K and Kindergarten Registration
A kindergarten student must be five years old on or before September 1st. First grade students must have successfully completed kindergarten and be six years old on or before September 1st. For detailed information about school assignments, contact Pupil Assignment at 390-2144.
School Transfers
Transfers to other schools are based on a variety of factors including space availability and random selection. For detailed information, contact Pupil Assignment at 390 2144.